Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Our Solar System

Here we are using scissors to cut out our words.  After we sort, we glue the words so they make sense.  This sentence reads, "I can see the sun."  What smarties!!

Do you see how we used toothpicks and marshmallows to create our own constellations?  Very cool!
We get to have a different Reading Buddy each day.  We take turns listening and reading.  We are such great readers!

We love reading to our buddies each day.
We love working as a team to complete the big floor puzzles. 
Our tabletop activities give us an important job to do each morning.
More of our tabletop activities.
Look how she rolls the die to see if the letter is a b or d.  Then she marks the results on the graph.  Which letter will she roll the most of today?  Great for letter recognition!
We love to use the clipboards.  Here this big  boy is finding words around the classroom to write on his list.
This tent is a very cozy spot to look at books with our friends.
We love mixing colors to create a painting of the sun.